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I'm going to pick one teacher every month that is nominated by you! They'll receive a classroom sensory bin valued at $100 at no cost to them!


Teachers do so much and get so little in return. This is a way for us to give back something to these amazing people.


Teachers, you can absolutely nominate yourself!!!


  • Please let me know what age they teach so I can send appropriate items in their box.

  • Teachers can teach kindergarten through college or be counselors at schools.

  • Teachers must be in the United States.

  • Bins will have a variety of items - all suitable for a classroom environment!

Nominate a Teacher

Thank You Teachers

Want to help me send out more than 1 box a month? You can now donate! For as little as $2 you can help me get even more boxes out to more teachers!

Click here to help!

Fill out the form below to add your nomination!

Shipping Address for Teacher or School

Thank you so much for nominating a teacher! I'm so excited to get to give back to these wonderful people. Every month, I will announce the chosen teacher on my Instagram (@AllThingsSensorybyAlissa). I will also email you if your teacher is chosen.
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